WL Adxchange
Grow your business with full featured SSP with integrated VAST Adapter.
Our development team created the unique technology both to monetize applications and provide the ability to build our own communication system with all participants. From a website or application user to a direct advertiser with a set of different advertising creatives.
WL SSP - Innovative solution what gives you the ability to directly integrate publishers and send direct traffic to your DSP partners to support hundreds of millions of real-time auctions.
Start your own advertising business for the price of one web server. Only $300*
*This is the price for 1 personal server provided for each of our customers.
WL SSP is compatible with all advertising formats: Banner, Video, Native, Audio, CTV/ОТТ. We put special emphasis on video advertising, the main trend in digital world over the past few years.
Therefore, we especially recommend VAST, the unified protocol developed for video advertising.
How it works
Regardless of the type of integration through which you receive traffic from publishers, the platform adapts it to the correct type for DSP, sends inquiries to different types of DSP integration and simultaneously conducts auctions among them.

What is VAST?
VAST (video ad serving template) is a specification used by ad platforms and video players to deliver and playback digital video ads. The flow of VAST is simple, publishers call an ad server or an SSP VAST tag, and they receive a VAST response. A VAST tag is a URL provided by an ad server. VAST responses are simple XML documents with proper links to video ad, tracking video events and all video parameters.
Why do we put emphasis precisely on the VAST Adapter?
Because This is the brightest, most effective and demanded technology in the world of programmatic advertising for today. VAST ADAPTER allows to integrate video and audio advertising, namely the main and most profitable trends of 2022 and the coming years.
It seems to be the simpliest way to increase revenue on your WLS platform. VAST adapter is very easy to use, it expands your standard WLS opportunities and increases the number of potential customers.
Explore the benefits
VAST Adapter can receive traffic on Vast and sell both on OpenRTB and on VAST in parallel. Therefore, the WLS partner can start commands both on the OpenRTB and on the VASTs.
The WLS partner can register publishers manually. Create inventory and placement and get a vast tag for publisher integration.
It is possible to view the load on the server. Connect and disconnect new servers as needed.
WL SSP with integrated VAST Adapter is much more affordable than in-house solution. Pay only for the server!
And get a simple but professional tool to earn unlimited income in the world of programmatic advertising. And the help of our team of developers and support managers!
Pay only for the server and forget about other expenses, no strings attached.